Hey there,
Can it really be true? Is this the Pomona Rocks September round-up appearing in your inbox, only six days into October?
Why yes it is. Cor blimey. For the uninitiated:
Click the shortlink or the cover art to go to the show page where you can find a player and full playlist.
The shortlinks and cover art are totally shareable.
New EXTREME Essentials 2024.09
Shortlink: go.pomona.rocks/208
Episode 208. The Real Rob Taylor brings you his selection of the very best new and upcoming extreme metal releases for September 2024. Featuring new music from cover stars VULGARIS, plus ONCHOCERCIASIS ESOPHAGOGASTRODUODENOSCOPY, HEINOUS EXSANGUINATION, HAXAR, BONERIPPER, HERIOT, BURN DOWN EDEN, ESCUELA GRIND and more.
Shortlink: go.pomona.rocks/mx034
MX034 in the Pomona Rocks mixtape series featuring 26 new and unplayed metalcore releases for September 2024, selected and mixed by the Real Rob Taylor. Featuring new music from ANNISOKAY, RISING INSANE, THE OKLAHOMA KID, MISTER MISERY, JINJER, BLACKTOOTHED and more.
Shortlink: go.pomona.rocks/209
Episode 209. The Real Rob Taylor presents 18+1 new alternative rock and indie releases for September 2024. Featuring new music from cover stars THE OKMONIKS, plus THE PEAWEES, ZEBRAHEAD, ALT BLK ERA, PLAIINS, BICURIOUS, YAKI DAH, INTERLAKER, OUR NOISE and more.
Tom’s back with Part 2 of the ALTERNATIVE ESSENTIALS double-bill, and your regular seasonal mix of brand new laid-back tracks will be along in the form of the AUTUMN LIGHT edition for 2024.
For very dull reasons that I won’t bore you with here, it’s been an absurdly busy few months in my non-Pomona Rocks life, so output has been a bit scarce over the past few weeks. However, things are beginning to level out now, so expect to hear a some more from Pomona Rocks in the coming weeks. So thank you for sticking with me. I really appreciate your patience.